Resource Directory

Below are preservation and modern design resources for the Chicago area and beyond. If you know of an organizational, intellectual, or bricks-and-mortar resource in the Chicago area who that should be included on the list below, please contact us Docomomo US/Chicago.

Advocacy Tools

Reports and Surveys

Conserving 20th Century Built Heritage: A Bibliography, Second Edition (edited by Susan McDonald and Gail Ostergren, Getty Conservation Institute, 2013)

Measuring the Economics of Preservation: Recent Findings (prepared for the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation by PlaceEconomics, June 2011)

The Recent Past Survey of Suburban Cook County (via Landmarks Illinois, ongoing)

A Recreational Reuse Study for the Former Elgin State Hospital Laundry Building (prepared by Landmarks Illinois, in partnership with SOM and the City of Elgin, October 2016)

recent landmark nominations

Marina City, City of Chicago Landmark Designation Report (2015)

Robert and Suzanne Drucker House, National Register of Historic Places Nomination (2013)

academic essays and Scholarship

"When the Present Becomes Past" (Dr. Richard Longstreth, 1992)

research libraries and archives

Building Technology Heritage Library

Chicago History Museum, Research Collections

Library of American Landscape History

Ryerson and Burnham Libraries at the Art Institute of Chicago

form letters

Coming soon

National Register Bulletins (US Department of the Interior)

The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties

Bulletin 15: How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation

Bulletin 16: How to Complete the National Register Registration Form

Bulletin 22: Guidelines for Evaluating and Nominating Properties that Have Achieved Significance Within the Past Fifty Years

Glossary of National Register Terms


Dining, Events, and Spaces

Tours and Events

Chicago Architecture Center

The Farnsworth House

The Schweikher House

Midcentury Bars and Eateries

Hala Kahiki Tiki Bar, River Grove

Marie's Pizza & Liquors

Event Spaces

Coming soon

Design and Construction

Modern furnishings

Design Within Reach


Herman Miller


Ask an architect

Coming soon